"Rust" - The Movie - Plaintiffs suffer legal blows.

"Rust" - The Movie - Plaintiffs suffer legal blows.
In a recent decision by a California judge, some of those injured in the tragic shooting accident that happened on the set of the movie Rust, suffered a serious legal setback. Claims based in assault and the intentional infliction of emotional distress were dismissed by the court because the complaint filed against the film's producers failed to state a sufficient cause of action.
Already a tragic case, the Judge in issuing his ruling found that one of the people in range of the gun that fired a fatal shot, had failed to establish that she was placed in fear of any immediate harm or battery.
The Judge has given the plaintiff time to re file those claims with more factual information supporting the allegations.
Several other lawsuits are pending as a result of the accidental shooting that took place on the set of "Rust" when Alec Baldwin fired a gun that he believed to be "cold," killing a producer on the film. The plaintiff who's claims were the subject of this most recent decision will continue to pursue her claims for negligence and punitive damages.
Read the full article at law360 here.