How Long Do I Have to File a Slip and Fall Case?

How Long Do I Have to File a Slip and Fall Case?
There’s an easy answer to this question. It all depends on what is called the statute of limitations in your state. In New York, you have three years to file a case if you fell on someone else’s property and suffered damages to either yourself or your property. The clock starts ticking from the moment of the accident.
Claiming compensation from the government
This rule only counts if you fell on private property. If you fell on government property, a whole different set of rules apply. You must first file a formal notice of the injury and can have as little as 30 days to file your formal notice. You must also make sure that you file the notice to the correct government office. Otherwise, you’re just wasting valuable time. Call the local municipality to make sure which government agency is liable for the area in which you slipped and fell. Alternatively, you can call a personal injury lawyer to find out on your behalf. Remember that time is of the essence, so you have to get started as soon as possible. If you don’t report the accident immediately, you are very likely to lose your claim.
Get evidence
Be sure to take as many pictures as possible of the scene where you fell. Take pictures of broken staircases or sidewalks, snow or ice that may have been the reason why you fell. Also, take pictures of any bruises or damage to your property as the government will want to see evidence of your case.
Talk to a Lawyer
Linden Law specializes in slip and fall cases. If you want expert advice or assistance in filing a complaint against the government, call us as soon as possible after the accident so that we can beat the ticking clock. You can call us on (212) 804-8440 for a free evaluation of your case or visit our offices at 1500 Broadway, Suite 903.