
First, let’s talk about what a litigator is. Litigators are attorneys who specialize in going to court. Litigators represent parties in a lawsuit and work toward getting the best result for their client. But not all attorneys are litigators. Many attorneys are transactional lawyers, like real estate attorneys, corporate lawyers and contract lawyers. Most of a transactional lawyers work is to review and draft documents and give advice on how to tailor important documents in a way that makes them most favorable to their client. Litigators are lawyers who are in court almost every day. They evaluate and bring cases in court, appear for depositions, appear before the court to discuss the progress of any case and ultimately try those cases. Maybe a step beyond a litigator is a trial attorney. Trial attorneys are highly specialized litigators who try cases, most days. In many instances, Trial attorneys are brought onto a case for the specific purpose of taking over should a case proceed to trial.

You are not helpless if there are grounds indicating your accident attorney was negligent in some manner and that the negligence resulted in harm to you and to your case.

Part of understanding how to sue a restaurant for food poisoning involves providing evidence that confirms the food poisoning took place due to the actions and/or negligence of the restaurant. This can involve taking several steps.