Despite being a concrete jungle, New York is a very pet-friendly city. And New York State judges tend to agree. They acknowledge that pets can be of immeasurable value and that if they are wrongfully injured or killed, that their owners should be able to claim compensation. Here are some examples of how judges have dealt with a pet’s wrongful death and injuries as well as how what you need to know to file a case.
New York is a busy city, and as with any big city, it is rife with petty and violent crimes. You have probably read many articles and have heard countless words of advice on how to avoid a mugging or how to act if you are unfortunate enough to be mugged.
If you’re attending a significantly large protest action, you can expect the police to be there to ensure that the event proceeds in a civilized manner. Unfortunately that may not always be the case. Although many of New York’s finest are committed to serve and protect its people, there are always those who, for whatever reason, resort to brutality.